Advanced Configuration


The StreamDataset receives data generated by the Env rollouts and reorganizes it into batches for the Trainer training module. Currently, we support two types of StreamDataset:

  1. fixed: This type generates a fixed total number of training samples specified by the sample_per_episode configuration. The Env receives sample_per_episode prompts and generates sample_per_episode training samples. The Trainer then trains on these sample_per_episode samples.

  2. dynamic: This type generates a dynamically determined total number of training samples. The Env receives sample_per_episode prompts and generates N*sample_per_episode training samples, where N>0. The Trainer then trains on these N*sample_per_episode samples.

YAML Configuration

    # one of ["fixed", "dynamic"]
    stream_data_loader_type: fixed
    #: max number of relay episodes, if `max_relay_episode` is set to -1, then relay all episodes
    #: if `max_relay_episode` is set to 0, then relay is disabled
    max_relay_episode: int = 0
    #: relay after n episodes
    relay_episode_offset: int = 0

Parameter Name





Specifies the type of StreamDataset. Default is ‘fixed’. Must be one of the following types: [‘fixed’, ‘dynamic’]



Specifies the most recent max_relay_episode episodes to retrieve prompt data from. If max_relay_episode is set to -1, no episodes will be discarded, and the historical data for each episode will be recorded. if max_relay_episode is set to 0, then relay is disabled



Specifies the episode offset from which to retrieve prompt data. Default is 0.


relay_sample_fn is a user-defined function for sampling data from the relay buffer.

def relay_sample_fn(episode_relay_buffers) -> List[dict]:
        episode_relay_buffers : List[EpisodeRelayBuffer]
    Return: list of dict

relay_sample_fn receives episode_relay_buffers, which is a list of EpisodeRelayBuffer. Each EpisodeRelayBuffer records the samples for one episode. The EpisodeRelayBuffer has two key attributes:

  1. episode_id records the episode number.

  2. buffer records all the samples, which is a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary representing a sample.

Users can set a custom relay_sample_fn using the engine.set_relay_sample_fn(relay_sample_fn) method.


The following example demonstrates how to merge all the samples from the episode_relay_buffers and return the complete sample data for multiple episodes.

def relay_sample_fn(episode_relay_buffers):
    buffers = []
    for relay_buffer in episode_relay_buffers:
        buffers += relay_buffer.buffer
    # episode_id = episode_relay_buffers[-1].episode_id
    return buffers

engine = RLHFEngine(policy, reference, reward, value, ppo_policy, ppo_value)


LoRA (Low Rank Approximation) is one of the parameter-efficient methods. Previous studies have shown that over-parameterized models actually reside in a lower intrinsic dimension, which leads the authors of LoRA to hypothesize that the weight changes during the model adaptation also have a lower “intrinsic rank”. The main idea of LoRA is to freeze the matrix parameter W of a pre-trained model and replace it with small re-initialized matrices A and B (similar to SVM) that will be updated during downstream tasks. Here, W has a shape of [d, k], and A/B have shapes of [d, r] and [r, k], respectively. Note that convergence may require adjustments to the learning rate and other relevant parameters. The usage and parameters of LoRA are described below.

YAML Configuration

Here is an example of configuring LoRA. Users can add a lora section to a model configuration and enable LoRA by setting enable_lora: True. They can also set the parameters such as lora_dim and lora_layer. For more details about the LoRA configuration options, please refer to lora-config.

        model_config_file: ppo_policy.yaml
        trainable: True
          enable_lora: True
          lora_dim: 64
          lora_layer: ColumnParallelLinear,LinearLayer,RowParallelLinear
          lora_dropout: 0.05

Code Sample

Here is an example that demonstrates how to configure LoRA optimization for a model. If the user sets enable_lora: True in the YAML configuration, they will need to integrate the convert_layer_to_lora transformation function after defining the model, as shown below:

from chatlearn.models.megatron.lora import convert_layer_to_lora
model = PolicyModel()
if self.module_args.lora.enable_lora:
    model = convert_layer_to_lora(model)

Batch generation Optimization

In the default configuration, during the inference phase, the data in each episode is typically shuffled randomly. This leads to varying prompt_len distributions within a batch, resulting in padding of prompts to the length of the longest prompt in the batch. This increases the amount of unnecessary computation. One optimization approach is to sort the prompts in advance based on their prompt length. This reduces the proportion of ineffective padding tokens during batch generation. The prompt generation phase can be divided into the following two steps:

  1. Initiation: Select a min_prompt_len for the prompts in the batch. Input a feature vector of size [batch_size, min_prompt_len, hidden_size] for inference to generate the next token.

  2. Increment: Based on the generated token from the initiation step, iterate by feeding the previously generated token as input until the <EOS> token is generated as the end signal.

If the prompts are sorted, we have observed an increase in memory consumption as the min_prompt_len within a batch increases, making it prone to out-of-memory (OOM) errors. The memory issue can be alleviated by adjusting the min_prompt_length parameter, which is explained in detail below.

YAML Configuration

Here is an example of configuring the batch generation optimization. Users can add a batch_generation section to a model configuration and enable it by setting ranking: True. For more details about the batch_generation configuration options, please refer to batch-generation-config.

        model_config_file: policy_inference.yaml
        trainable: False
          ranking: True
          min_prompt_length: ${batch_generation_min_prompt_length:0}

Adaptive checkpoint

In the basic configuration, if different parallel strategies need to be applied to each model of alignment training, the of Megatron-LM needs to be called in advance for offline conversion. Then, the converted checkpoint with the desired parallel strategy can be loaded and the alignment process can be executed correctly.

In the advanced configuration, adaptive checkpointing is supported, which allows for the automatic loading of checkpoints during the model checkpoint loading process and their conversion to the user-specified parallel strategy. This advanced configuration reduces disk overhead and enables checkpoint conversion to be executed in multiple processes in parallel.

YAML Configuration

# Whether to enable adaptive checkpoint, default: True
adaptive_parallel_strategy_on_checkpoint: True

Parameter Name





Specifies whether to enable the adaptive checkpoint functionality. True for enabling, False for disabling.

Code Sample

Here is an example demonstrating how to pass the adaptive_parallel_strategy_on_checkpoint parameter when loading a checkpoint. If adaptive_parallel_strategy_on_checkpoint: True is configured in the YAML file, the load_checkpoint function will adaptively initialize the weights from the checkpoint into the model.

    model, None, None,