# Copyright 2024 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""arguments from command or yaml."""
import argparse
import ast
import os
from typing import List
import yaml
from chatlearn.utils.constant import LORA_LAYER, RAY_PG_STRATEGY, PARAM_SYNC_COMM_TYPE
from chatlearn.utils.logger import logger
from chatlearn.utils.utils import get_attributes
def get_path(fn, folder):
if not fn.startswith("/") and not fn.startswith(folder):
fn = os.path.join(folder, fn)
assert os.path.exists(fn), f'{fn} not exists'
return fn
def convert_type(data):
return ast.literal_eval(data)
except Exception:
return data
def parse_value(value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {k: parse_value(v) for k, v in value.items()}
if isinstance(value, str):
if value.strip().startswith("${"):
# ${env_name:default_value}
placeholder = value.replace("${", "")[:-1]
placeholder = placeholder.split(":")
env_name = placeholder[0]
if env_name in os.environ:
value = convert_type(os.environ[env_name])
if len(placeholder) > 1:
value = convert_type(placeholder[1])
logger.warning(f"cannot find value for {env_name}, set to None")
value = None
return value
def update_dict(src, dst):
# do not overwrite
for k, v in src.items():
if k not in dst:
dst[k] = v
if isinstance(v, dict) and isinstance(dst[k], dict):
update_dict(v, dst[k])
def parse_args_from_yaml(config_file, config_dir):
with open(config_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as stream:
config_vars = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
# empty yaml file
if config_vars is None:
return {}
config_vars = {key: parse_value(value) for key, value in config_vars.items()}
if 'includes' in config_vars:
includes_vars = {}
# iterate in reverse order, so the next include overwrite the prev
for base in reversed(config_vars["includes"]):
base_path = get_path(base, config_dir)
base_config = parse_args_from_yaml(base_path, config_dir)
update_dict(base_config, includes_vars)
update_dict(includes_vars, config_vars)
return config_vars
def parse_args():
"""Parse all arguments."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ChatLearn Arguments',
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config",
help="where to load YAML configuration",
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
if args.config:
config_dir = os.path.dirname(args.config)
args_yaml = parse_args_from_yaml(args.config, config_dir)
config_dir = None
args_yaml = None
config = Config(args_yaml, config_dir)
return config
class BaseConfig:
"""Base class includes some common format functions."""
def __init__(self):
self._finalize = True
def __str__(self):
members = [attr for attr in dir(self) \
if not callable(getattr(self, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")]
ser_str = self.__class__.__name__ + " {\n"
for key in members:
if key.startswith('_'):
attr = getattr(self, key)
attr = '"{}"'.format(attr) if isinstance(attr, str) else attr
ser_str += " %s = %s,\n" % (key, attr)
ser_str += "}"
return ser_str
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def validate(self):
class SubConfig(BaseConfig):
"""Sub Config"""
_is_changed = False
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if not name.startswith("_") and getattr(self, name) != value:
self._is_changed = True
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def is_changed(self):
return self._is_changed
class LoraConfig(SubConfig):
"""Config for lora"""
#: enable lora, default False.
enable_lora: bool = False
#: The "name_scope" parameter is used to specify a particular module to be converted to its LoRA.
#: By default, it is set to None, which means there is no restriction on the module and any module
#: can be converted using the "lora_layer" parameter. However, if "name_scope" is set to a specific
#: value (e.g., "encoder"), only the modules whose name_scope contains the value "encoder" will be converted to LoRA.
part_module_name: str = None
#: The rank value of the LoRA, which is the r dimension of the A/B matrix.
lora_dim: int = 8
#: The LoRA dropout ratio refers to whether dropout computation is inserted in the forward pass
#: of the LoRA layer. By default, the dropout ratio is set to 0.0.
lora_dropout: float = 0.0
#: When adding the values of the LoRA A and B matrices to the original weight matrix,
#: the scaling value is set as "W = W + A * B * lora_scaling". By default, the scaling value
#: is set to 1.0.
lora_scaling: float = 1.0
#: The layer class names involved in LoRA training in the model, separated by commas.
lora_layer: str = LORA_LAYER
#: LoRA training is enabled only in the ColumnParallelLinear layer of the MHA QKV module.
column_only_qkv: bool = False
class BatchGenerationConfig(SubConfig):
"""Config for batch generation ranking and memory-efficiency."""
#: [optional] sort prompts by length each episode.
ranking: bool = False
#: [optional] min prompt length in the first stage of batch generation.
min_prompt_length: int = 0
class ModelConfig(BaseConfig):
"""Config for model."""
#: [legacy] number of GPU used for one model, default 0.
num_device: int = 0
#: [required] number of GPU used for one model, default 0, same as num_device
num_gpu: int = 0
#: [required] number of GPU used for one model, default 0
num_cpu: int = 0
#: [optional] gpu per process, e.g., for PyTorch DDP, Megatron, DeepSpeed, `gpu_per_process` is set to 1
gpu_per_process: int = None
#: [optional] cpu per process
cpu_per_process: int = None
#: [optional] number of module replica,
#: for gpu model, num_replica = num_gpu // (TP * PP * DP),
#: for cpu model, num_replica = num_cpu // cpu_per_process
num_replica: int = 1
#: [required] whether model is trainable
trainable: bool = False
#: [optional] tensor model parallel size
tensor_model_parallel_size: int = None
#: [optional] pipeline model parallel size
pipeline_model_parallel_size: int = None
#: [optional] zero size
zero_size: int = None
#: [optional] config file for model
model_config_file: str = ""
config_dir: str = ""
#: [optional] model type, e.g., Torch/Tensorflow, etc
model_type: str = ""
#: [optional] placeholder for other args
args_dict: dict = None
#: [optional] generation batch size, will overwrite generation batch size in RuntimeConfig
generation_batch_size: int = -1
#: lora config
lora: LoraConfig = None
#: batch generation config
batch_generation: BatchGenerationConfig = None
#: offload optimizer states
offload_optimizer_states = False
#: parameter sync frequency
sync_frequency = 1
#: offload weights
offload_weights = False
#: free grad buffers
free_grad_buffers = False
#: overall switch for offload optimizer states/weights and free grad buffers
free_memory = False
def __init__(self):
self.args_dict = {}
self.lora = LoraConfig()
self.batch_generation = BatchGenerationConfig()
def __str__(self):
members = [attr for attr in dir(self) \
if not callable(getattr(self, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")]
ser_str = self.__class__.__name__ + " {\n"
for key in members:
if key.startswith('_'):
attr = getattr(self, key)
if key in ["lora", "batch_generation"]:
if not attr.is_changed():
attr = '"{}"'.format(attr) if isinstance(attr, str) else attr
ser_str += " %s = %s,\n" % (key, attr)
ser_str += "}"
return ser_str
class RuntimeConfig(BaseConfig):
"""training related configs."""
#: [required] number of episodes. One episode includes a inference and training loop.
num_episode: int = 5000
#: [required] number of samples per episode.
sample_per_episode: int = 1000
#: [optional] number of training epoch per episode. default set to 1.
num_training_epoch: int = 1
#: [required] generation(inference) batch size.
generation_batch_size: int = 2
#: [required] training micro batch size.
train_micro_batch_size: int = 2
#: [required] training global batch size.
train_global_batch_size: int = None
#: [required] save checkpoint per `save_episode_interval` episodes.
save_episode_interval: int = None
#: [optional] log time and memory per `log_interval` iterations.
log_interval: int = 1
#: [required]: data_path for dataset
data_path: str = None
#: [optional]: colocate models into the same device
colocation: List[str] = []
#: [optional]: eval every N episode, if 0, will not eval
eval_episode_interval: int = 0
#: [optional]: enable resume training when data checkpoint is set
enable_resume_training: bool = True
#: [optional]: checkpoint for dataloader
data_checkpoint_path: str = None
#: [optional]: max data checkpoint nums
max_data_ckpt_nums: int = None
#: [optional]: load data checkpoint from iteration
load_data_checkpoint_iteration: int = None
#: [optional]: stream_data_loader type, ["fixed", "dynamic"]
stream_data_loader_type: str = "fixed"
#: private
debug: bool = False
#: enable nsys nvtx
nsys: bool = False
#: profiler dir
profiler_dir: str = None
#: coalesce parameters in model sync
coalesce_param: bool = True
#: coalesce_buffer size in mb
coalesced_buffer_mb: int = 100
#: concurrent parameter sync
concurrent_comm: bool = True
#: parameter sync communication type, broadcast/p2p
param_sync_comm_type: str = PARAM_SYNC_COMM_TYPE.BROADCAST.value
#: parameter sync max workers
param_sync_max_workers: int = None
#: max number of relay episodes, if `max_relay_episode` is set to -1, then relay all episodes
#: if `max_relay_episode` is set to 0, then relay is disabled
max_relay_episode: int = 0
#: relay after n episodes
relay_episode_offset: int = 0
#: consumed samples
consumed_samples: int = 0
#: concurrent model setup
concurrent_setup: bool = False
#: bucket size in the memory manager to reduce peak memory
bucket_size_mb_in_memory_manager: int = 1024
#: free collective group after parameter synchronization and rebuild before next synchronization
free_sync_collective_group: bool = False
#: [optional] cpu only model schedule policy, PACK or SPREAD
#: PACK: All provided bundles are packed onto a single node on a best-effort basis.
#: SPREAD: Each bundle is spread onto separate nodes on a best-effort basis.
cpu_schedule_strategy: str = RAY_PG_STRATEGY.SPREAD.value
#: exp name for each run
exp_name: str = "CHATLEARN"
#: output dir
output_dir: str = "./"
def __init__(self):
self._args_dict = {}
def get(self, key):
Get other config by key.
key: str
key to get config
if key not in self._args_dict:
logger.warning(f"{key} not found in RuntimeConfig")
return self._args_dict[key]
def validate(self):
:meta private:
for key in self._args_dict:
if key == "save_interval":
raise Exception("save_interval is deprecated, please use save_episode_interval to save checkpoints")
class RuntimeEnvConfig(BaseConfig):
"""Runtime env config, you can refer https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-core/handling-dependencies.html for more information."""
#: pip install packages
pip: List[str] = []
#: python modules
py_modules: List[str] = []
#: working directory
working_dir: str = os.getcwd()
#: platform, e.g., DLC
platform: str = ""
#: excludes files from packaging
excludes: List[str] = []
def __init__(self):
self._args_dict = {}
def get(self, key):
Get other config by key
key: str
Key to get config.
if key not in self._args_dict:
logger.warning(f"{key} not found in RuntimeConfig")
return self._args_dict[key]
class Config(BaseConfig):
"""A class to manage chatlearn configuration.
param_dict: dict
dict format of parameters."""
def __init__(self, param_dict=None, config_dir=None):
self._finalize = False
self.models = {}
self.env_args = RuntimeEnvConfig()
self.runtime_args = RuntimeConfig()
self.config_dir = config_dir
self._active_module_args = None
self.initialized = False
if param_dict:
# remove later, just for compatibility
self.rlhf_args = self.runtime_args
self._finalize = True
def _parse_params(self, param_dict):
"""Parse params from param_dict."""
def set_param(user_args, config_cls, instance):
for attribute, default_value in get_attributes(config_cls):
if attribute in user_args:
value = user_args[attribute]
if attribute == "colocation":
colocation_list = []
for group in value:
colocation_list.append(group.replace(' ', '').split(','))
value = colocation_list
value = default_value
original_value = getattr(instance, attribute)
if original_value is not None:
assert isinstance(original_value, type(value)), \
f"{instance}.{attribute} should be type of {type(original_value)} but got {type(value)}"
setattr(instance, attribute, value)
for user_attribute in user_args:
if not hasattr(config_cls, user_attribute):
if hasattr(instance, "_args_dict"):
getattr(instance, "_args_dict")[user_attribute] = user_args[user_attribute]
raise RuntimeError(f"attribute {user_attribute} not defined in {config_cls.__name__}")
for model_name, model_args in param_dict["models"].items():
model_config = ModelConfig()
model_config.config_dir = self.config_dir
for user_attribute, user_value in model_args.items():
if hasattr(ModelConfig, user_attribute):
original_value = getattr(ModelConfig, user_attribute)
if 'num_device' == user_attribute:
logger.warning("num_device is deprecated, please use num_gpu instead")
if 'num_gpu' not in model_args.keys():
setattr(model_config, "num_gpu", user_value)
logger.warning("both num_device and num_gpu are set, use num_gpu")
if 'lora' == user_attribute:
set_param(user_value, LoraConfig, model_config.lora)
user_value = model_config.lora
elif "batch_generation" == user_attribute:
set_param(user_value, BatchGenerationConfig, model_config.batch_generation)
user_value = model_config.batch_generation
if original_value is not None:
assert isinstance(user_value, type(original_value)), \
f"ModelConfig.{user_attribute} should be type of {type(original_value)} but got {type(user_value)} ({user_value})"
setattr(model_config, user_attribute, user_value)
logger.warning(f"unknown argument {user_attribute}")
self.models[model_name] = model_config
if model_config.model_config_file:
model_config.model_config_file = get_path(model_config.model_config_file, self.config_dir)
model_config.args_dict = parse_args_from_yaml(model_config.model_config_file, self.config_dir)
if "runtime" in param_dict:
set_param(param_dict["runtime"], RuntimeConfig, self.runtime_args)
elif "rlhf" in param_dict:
logger.warning("rlhf is deprecated, please use runtime as section name")
set_param(param_dict["rlhf"], RuntimeConfig, self.runtime_args)
if "runtime_env" in param_dict:
set_param(param_dict["runtime_env"], RuntimeEnvConfig, self.env_args)
def _get_and_check_type(value, default_value, key):
# To be noticed: all str type values should in lower case.
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
if default_value is None:
return value
if not isinstance(value, type(default_value)):
raise ValueError("%s type error, expected: %s." \
% (key, type(default_value)))
return value
def _validate_params(self):
if self.runtime_args.train_global_batch_size is None:
self.runtime_args.train_global_batch_size = self.runtime_args.train_micro_batch_size
assert self.runtime_args.train_global_batch_size % self.runtime_args.train_micro_batch_size == 0, \
f"train_global_batch_size should be times of train_micro_batch_size," \
f"but got {self.runtime_args.train_global_batch_size}/{self.runtime_args.train_micro_batch_size}"
assert self.runtime_args.stream_data_loader_type.lower() in ["fixed", "dynamic"]
assert self.runtime_args.cpu_schedule_strategy in [strategy.value for strategy in RAY_PG_STRATEGY]
assert self.runtime_args.param_sync_comm_type in list(PARAM_SYNC_COMM_TYPE)
for model_name, model_args in self.models.items():
if model_args.num_gpu >= 1:
if model_args.gpu_per_process is None:
model_args.gpu_per_process = 1
assert model_args.gpu_per_process <= model_args.num_gpu, \
f"{model_name}: gpu_per_process: {model_args.gpu_per_process}, num_cpu: {model_args.num_gpu}"
elif model_args.num_cpu >= 1:
if model_args.cpu_per_process is None:
model_args.cpu_per_process = 1
assert model_args.cpu_per_process <= model_args.num_cpu, \
f"{model_name}: cpu_per_process: {model_args.cpu_per_process}, num_cpu: {model_args.num_cpu}"
if model_args.generation_batch_size is None or model_args.generation_batch_size <= 0:
if self.runtime_args.generation_batch_size:
model_args.generation_batch_size = self.runtime_args.generation_batch_size
for key in ["pipeline_model_parallel_size", "tensor_model_parallel_size", "zero_size"]:
if model_args.args_dict.get(key) is not None:
setattr(model_args, key, model_args.args_dict.get(key))
assert getattr(model_args, key) >= 1
elif getattr(model_args, key) is None:
setattr(model_args, key, 1)
if model_args.tensor_model_parallel_size > 1 or model_args.pipeline_model_parallel_size > 1:
assert model_args.zero_size == 1 or model_args.zero_size is None
assert model_args.num_gpu % (
model_args.tensor_model_parallel_size * model_args.pipeline_model_parallel_size) == 0, \
"num_gpu must be divisible by tensor_model_parallel_size * pipeline_model_parallel_size " \
f"for {model_name} model, but got num_gpu = {model_args.num_gpu}" \
f"tensor_model_parallel_size = {model_args.tensor_model_parallel_size}, and " \
f"pipeline_model_parallel_size = {model_args.pipeline_model_parallel_size}."
assert model_args.num_gpu > 0 or model_args.num_cpu > 0, \
f"{model_name} num_gpu: {model_args.num_gpu}, num_cpu: {model_args.num_cpu}, at least one of them should be set"
if model_args.num_gpu >= 1:
if model_args.zero_size > 1:
assert model_args.num_gpu % model_args.zero_size == 0
model_args.num_replica = model_args.num_gpu // model_args.zero_size
model_args.num_replica = model_args.num_gpu // (
model_args.tensor_model_parallel_size * model_args.pipeline_model_parallel_size)
elif model_args.num_cpu >= 1:
model_args.num_replica = model_args.num_cpu // model_args.cpu_per_process
assert model_args.num_replica * model_args.generation_batch_size <= self.runtime_args.sample_per_episode, \
f"num_replica * batch_size {model_args.num_replica}*{model_args.generation_batch_size} " + \
f"should be less than sample_per_episode {self.runtime_args.sample_per_episode}"
if model_args.batch_generation.min_prompt_length:
logger.info(f"Enable batch generation: \
min_prompt_length = {model_args.batch_generation.min_prompt_length}")
if model_args.free_memory:
model_args.offload_weights = True
if model_args.trainable:
model_args.free_grad_buffers = True
model_args.offload_optimizer_states = True
if self.runtime_args.colocation and len(self.runtime_args.colocation) > 0:
model_set = set()
for colocate_models in self.runtime_args.colocation:
for model_name in colocate_models:
assert model_name not in model_set, f"Model {model_name} should only appear once in colocation group"
if self.runtime_args.exp_name not in self.runtime_args.output_dir:
self.runtime_args.output_dir = f"{self.runtime_args.output_dir}/{self.runtime_args.exp_name}"
logger.info(f"Env Config: \n{self.env_args}")
logger.info(f"Runtime Config: \n{self.runtime_args}")
for name, model_args in self.models.items():
logger.info(f"Model({name}) Config: \n{model_args}")
def active_module_args(self):
return self._active_module_args
def active_module_args(self, config):
self._active_module_args = config